안상수 의원, ‘영종경찰서 신설, 행안부 심의 최종 통과' Ahn Sang-so, "Established Yeongjong Police Station, finally passed deliberation by the Ministry of Public Affairs"
안상수 의원, ‘영종경찰서 신설, 행안부 심의 최종 통과' Ahn Sang-so, "Established Yeongjong Police Station, finally passed deliberation by the Ministry of Public Affairs"
  • 우경원 기자
  • 승인 2019.06.27 18:36
  • 댓글 0
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▲안상수 국회의원실에서 공항철도 영종지역 운임체계 개선을 논의하고 있는 국토부, 인천시 관계자와 안상수 국회의원
▲안상수 국회의원실에서 공항철도 영종지역 운임체계 개선을 논의하고 있는 국토부, 인천시 관계자와 안상수 국회의원 (기사내용과 관계없음)
▲영종경찰서 신설
▲영종경찰서 신설

자유한국당 안상수 의원(인천 중구동구강화군옹진군)은 27일 영종도에 주민 및 인천영종공항을 이용하는 국민에게 치안행정 서비스 확대를 위한 ‘인천영종경찰서’신설이 행정안전부 심의에 최종 통과됐다고  밝혔다.

 인천 영종도는 인천국제공항이 있고, 신도시 건설로 인구가 증가함에 따라 치안수요가 급증하고 있음에도 불구하고 관할경찰서와 거리가 있어, 영종 주민들은 치안행정서비스 이용에 어려움을 겪고 있었다. 

이에 안 의원은 작년 국회예산결산특별위원회 위원장으로서 행안부와 기재부에 ‘영종경찰서 신축’에 대한 필요성을 요구해왔고, 정부부처와 지속적으로 논의해온 결과 영종도지역 치안강화를 위한 영종경찰서 신설 사업 행안부 심의를 통과시켰다.

 안 의원은 “영종경찰서가 신설된다면 인천국제공항 등 지역개발로 인해 폭발적으로 증가하는 치안수요를 균등하게 분담할 수 있고, 영종도 지역주민들과 인천공항을 방문하는 이용객의 치안행정서비스 접근성을 높일 것으로 기대된다”며 “앞으로 남은 기재부 최종심의 통과와 국비예산 확보에 최선을 다하겠다”고 말했다.

영종경찰서 신설에 대해서 주민들의 요구들이 오랫동안 지속되었고, 최근 영종도 인구증가와 인천국제공항이 있어 많은 사람들이 오고 가는등 유동인구가 다른지역 보다 많아, 경찰서 신설에 대해서 주민들 사이에 이견 없었다. [영종뉴스 우경원 기자]

Ahn Sang-so, "Established Yeongjong Police Station, finally passed deliberation by the Ministry of Public Affairs"

On 27 July, Assemblyman Ahn Sang-so of the Liberal Korean Party (Incheon Central District Reinforcement Gungun County) announced that the establishment of the Incheon Yongjong Police Station for the expansion of public security services was finally passed by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security for residents and citizens using Incheon Yongjong Airport in Yongjong-do. Incheon Yeongjong-do has Incheon International Airport, and despite the surge in security demand as the population increases due to the construction of new cities, yeongjong residents were having difficulty using the administrative services of the competent police station. As chairman of the Special Committee on Budget Settlement of the National Assembly last year, Ahn has called on the Ministry of Health and Trade and the Ministry of Information to "build a new Yongjong Police Station", and as a result of continued discussions with government departments, he passed the deliberation of the yeongjong police station's new project for strengthening public security in the Yongjong-do area. Ahn said, "If the Yongjong Police Station is established, it will evenly share the exploding demand for public security due to regional development, such as Incheon International Airport, and will increase the accessibility of the administrative services of residents and visitors to Incheon Airport." Residents' demands for the establishment of the Yeongjong Police Station have been ongoing for a long time, and there has been a recent population growth in Yeongjong-do and Incheon International Airport, and many people coming and going, and there is more flow than in other areas, there was no disagreement among residents about the establishment of a police station.

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